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Architecture + Science

I founded Hagys Ford Studio with a focus on exploring the ways that architecture can intersect with science. The artistry of architecture is innate, but the impact of science is perhaps more learned. It is prudent that we continue to explore and expand upon what types of science can or should influence the profession.

The two major branches of natural science are biological science and physical science. The former deals with the vital processes and habits of living organisms, while the latter is concerned with the inorganic world. Some popular examples of how biological science has intersected with architecture are biomimicry ("the practice that learns from and mimics the strategies found in nature to solve human design challenges in a regenerative way"- Biomimicry Institute) and biophilia ("the connection that human beings innately seeks with the natural world"- E.O. Wilson). For physical science it is the study of materiality, forces, and managing the movement of heat, air, and moisture. Together, the biological and physical sciences comprise the world of building science, and it is this collective world of science that is influential to architecture.

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